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Can Cats Eat Bananas? Pros, Cons and Risks Considered

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Have you ever wondered, “Can cats eat bananas?”

I know many of you have cats that love bananas, but bananas shouldn’t usually be part of most cats’ diets.

I’ve written this guide to address your questions and explain the pros, cons, and risks of feeding bananas to your cats. Read on to learn more.

Can Cats Eat Bananas?

Yes. Most cats can eat small quantities of bananas without any issues.

Bananas are not on the ASPCA’s list of “People Foods To Avoid Feeding Your Pet.”

That means that they are non-toxic to cats.

At the same time, bananas pose several health risks to cats.

While giving your cat a small slice of banana from time to time likely won’t do any significant harm and can even provide your cat with much-needed nutrients, including bananas in your cat’s daily diet is a big no-no.

Can Cats Eat Banana Peels?

If you live in an area with groundhogs, you may have noticed a groundhog eating a banana peel you threw away.

Some groundhogs may eat banana peels, like many goats, deer, raccoons, and other animals.

However, you should never feed your cat banana peels.

Banana peels pose a significant choking hazard to your cat.

In addition, your cat will have a tough time breaking down the banana peel – they will almost definitely experience digestive issues after eating it.

How Much Banana Can You Feed Your Cat?

Typically, you can feed your cat an inch or two of a peeled banana at a time.

That translates to around one-quarter to one-half of a banana, depending on the banana’s size.

Another question is how often you should feed bananas to your cat.

The answer?

Once in a while.

Instead of treating bananas as a healthy food option for cats, consider them treats.

Treats should make up around 5% of your cat’s daily diet, with 10% being the absolute maximum.

At the same time, it’s good to switch up your cat’s treats.

Feeding it bananas every day as a treat isn’t advisable.

A few times a month should be the max.

Are Bananas Good for Cats?

Bananas are slightly beneficial for cats.

Cats can get some critical nutrients from bananas, including:

  • Potassium
  • Vitamin C
  • Magnesium
  • Folate
  • Vitamin B6

In addition, bananas contain a lot of fiber.

Cats need fiber for optimal digestive health.

A cat suffering from constipation stands to gain more from incorporating bananas into its diet, as they will provide it with much-needed fiber.

On the other hand, cats are obligate carnivores.

That means that they need meat to survive.

Unlike humans, they don’t need any carbs.

Bananas provide carbohydrates, which cats should only eat in minimal amounts.

Are There Any Risks With Feeding Cats Bananas?


If you give your cat a small slice of banana from time to time, you’re unlikely to do it any harm.

However, some cats should not have bananas under any circumstances.

Diabetic Cats

One of the downsides of bananas is that they have a lot of sugar.

The high sugar content in bananas may not be an issue for normal cats when they eat them in moderation.

However, for diabetic cats, bananas can be dangerous.

If your cat is at risk for diabetes, feeding it bananas can lead to diabetes.

Bananas can also lead to weight gain.

They’re high in sugar and calories.

If your cat is overweight, I recommend not feeding it bananas.

Too Much Fiber

Bananas are pretty high in fiber.

While fiber is essential for digestive health, too much of it isn’t good.

A high fiber intake can lead to digestive problems like diarrhea.

That’s why you should only feed your cat small portions of banana at a time.

Allergic Reactions

Bananas are not toxic in and of themselves.

However, your cat may have a rare allergy to bananas.

After eating a banana, an allergic cat might present some of the following symptoms:

  • Wheezing
  • Rashes
  • Swelling of the throat
  • Seizures

If your cat experiences any strange symptoms after eating a banana, immediately take it to the vet.

Do Cats Like Bananas?

Some do, and some don’t.

Many cats don’t care for bananas altogether.

Cats generally do not crave sweet foods as humans do.

Instead, they crave meat.

Therefore, your cat may not even want to eat a banana you give it.

However, some cats do love bananas – every cat is different.

Are Cats Afraid of Bananas?

You may have seen videos on YouTube of cats reacting poorly to someone placing bananas next to them.

There may be a few reasons for that.

The first is that in those videos, the video makers “prank” the cats by placing bananas behind them.

The cats didn’t see the bananas there before.

Therefore, when they suddenly see a new object behind them, it startles them.

It’s not the banana specifically; cucumbers and other strange objects could scare cats in that manner too.

In addition, banana peels give off ethyl acetate when ripening.

Therefore, bananas often smell of acetone.

Cats don’t like the smell of acetone.

Finally, some cats have a higher startle reflex due to lower urinary tract disease (interstitial cystitis).

Such cats may find it particularly startling when you place bananas next to them.

How To Feed Bananas to Your Cat

If you decide to feed bananas to your cat, it’s critical to do it correctly.

Use the following tips to keep your cat safe while feeding it bananas.

Remove the Peel

First, remove the peel.

You should never feed bananas to your cat while still in the peel.

Besides, removing the peel may make your cat more receptive to eating bananas, as they won’t smell as bad.

Cut Into Bite-Sized Pieces

Measure 1-2 inches of banana and cut it off.

Then, take that small portion of banana and cut it into additional, bite-sized pieces.

That way, you will avoid the risk of your cat choking.

Start Small  

Your cat may be allergic to bananas, or they may experience digestive discomfort after eating them.

By starting small, you’ll be able to test for gastrointestinal problems.

Start with just one or two bite-sized pieces.

If your cat can tolerate them, you can increase the portion size.

Look Out for Signs of Allergic Reaction

Finally, ensure your cat doesn’t display any symptoms of a banana allergy.

Monitor your cat for 15-60 minutes after eating bananas for the first time.

If your cat is fine, you can feed it bananas again.

If it displays symptoms of an allergy, take it to a vet immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions

Feeding your cat can sometimes be complicated.

Here are answers to common questions we see from readers concerning cats and their diets.

What fruits can cats eat?

Cats can eat a wide range of fruits.

Some fruits that are okay for cats to eat include bananas, blueberries, watermelons (seedless), strawberries, peeled apples, cranberries, blackberries, and mangoes.

What fruits are toxic to cats?

Other fruits are toxic to cats.

Never feed your cat cherries, citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruits, etc.), grapes, and raisins.

Some vegetables, like onions and garlic, are also off-limits to felines.

Check the ASPCA list that I linked above and avoid feeding your cat anything on that list.

Final Thought

So, can cats eat bananas?

Yes, most cats can eat small amounts of bananas from time to time.

However, too many bananas can cause digestive issues.

If your cat has diabetes, you should also avoid feeding it bananas.

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