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Can Dogs Eat Beans? Which Beans Are Safe To Eat?

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Did you know that nearly 50 million homes in the United States alone have at least one dog?

Dogs are one of the most common household pets across the world, making knowing how to care for them crucial!

Unfortunately, dogs have a habit of eating things that are sometimes bad for them.

But can dogs eat beans without any negative effects?

If you’ve been looking into your dog’s diet, we’re here to help!

Read on for some information on what beans are safe for your dog to eat.

Can Dogs Eat Beans?

To answer the question quickly, yes, dogs can eat many kinds of beans.

However, there are some beans that your dog cannot eat.

We’ll give a full list later on, but if you’re in a rush, know that the only bean that poses an immediate threat to your dog’s health is coffee beans.

Do Beans Upset Dog’s Stomachs?

Yes, many kinds of beans can upset your dog’s stomach!

The most common is fava beans.

Also called broad beans, fava beans could have several adverse effects on your dog’s digestive system.

Generally, this will manifest itself with vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

More often than not, all three of these will occur at once.

That said, the size of your dog has the most impact on this.

If a full-grown Saint Bernard eats one fava bean that fell from your kitchen counter, the chances are good that it’ll be fine.

If a small toy poodle eats an entire can of fava beans somehow, you should seek medical attention.

Generally speaking, if you ever suggest your dog has eaten something it shouldn’t have, you should look for medical attention.

At the very least, call a local vet or emergency vet and explain the situation.

They can give you advice on what actions you should take.

Are Beans Beneficial for Dogs?

Yes! There are many beans that have a beneficial effect on your dog’s health.

Some beans have a high amount of protein, which can help round out your dog’s diet.

Vitamins A, C, and K are also in many kinds of beans, which help improve the heart and eyes, immune system, and your dog’s ability to recover from injury.

Furthermore, beans are sometimes a great source of potassium, iron, magnesium, antioxidants, and more.

All of these are crucial to your dog’s health.

Beans are not required in your dog’s diet by any means, but they’re an excellent source of plenty of the nutrients they need.

What Beans Are Safe for Dogs To Eat?

There are many different kinds of beans that your dog can safely eat.

The most common are:

  • Black beans
  • Lima beans
  • Kidney beans
  • Pinto beans
  • Green beans
  • Garbanzo beans
  • Navy beans
  • Edamame (often referred to as vegetable soybean and green soybean)
  • Soybeans

If your dog has eaten these beans, there’s no cause for alarm whatsoever.

Butter beans and lentils are less common beans that your dog could find their way into as well.

If they do, rest easy, as these types of beans are safe as well.

Overall, there are many more beneficial beans than harmful beans.

This is great, as it makes it much easier to memorize which ones to avoid!

However, preparation is crucial, and you can easily prepare these beans in a way that can be harmful to your dog.

Please keep reading to learn what to avoid when preparing beans for your dog.

What Kind of Beans Can You Not Give Your Dog?

There are only a few beans that are harmful to your dog.

We’ve discussed fava beans for their damage to a dog’s digestive system, as well as coffee beans, which can cause fatal neurological damage.

The only other bean that is dangerous in its natural state is the raw red kidney beans, as they contain high amounts of a neurotoxic called phytohaemagglutinin.

Past this, the most common beans are all prepared beans with ingredients that can harm your dog.

These include:

  • Baked beans (high in sugar, often contains garlic, tomatoes, and onion)
  • Refried beans (contains garlic, cumin, chili powder, salt, and preservatives)
  • Canned beans (high in sodium and chemical preservatives)
  • Chili beans (contain harmful spices, onions, and garlic)

If you have a bean that isn’t on this list, but you aren’t positive it can safely be given to your dog, don’t give it to them.

Better safe than sorry!

How Many Beans Can You Give Your Dog?

According to Purina, your dog’s daily intake should never be more than 10% of their daily calorie intake.

Generally speaking, they should be given as a treat.

Beans are also high in calories.

Because of this, you shouldn’t give your dog many beans, as a small amount can easily overtake that 10% rule.

Instead, give them as a reward during training or games!

How Should Beans for Dogs Be Prepared?

When it comes to preparing beans for your dog, less is better.

Always wash them first.

Soak the beans overnight to soften them.

Afterward, cook them plain.

Do not add salt or any other seasoning, as these can all harm your pooch.

You shouldn’t give raw beans –as they will find it hard to digest them–  or canned beans to your dog (even if they’ve been washed) due to their large amount of sodium and preservatives.

Can Dogs Have Beans Instead of Meat?


Many people have begun trying to switch their animals to vegan or vegetarian diets.

While humans can enjoy a diet and lifestyle like this without harm, dogs certainly cannot.

Meat has many properties that your dog’s diet needs.

Giving them beans can help them with a protein intake, but do not replace meat in their diet entirely in favor of beans.

Speak to your local nutritionist or veterinarian to see the best way to add beans to their diet.

What To Do if Your Dog Eats Beans

If your dog has eaten beans that aren’t bad for them, you’re perfectly fine.

You don’t need to take action.

Observe them if you’re worried they’ve eaten significantly more than they should have, and call your vet.

If your dog has eaten coffee beans, seek veterinary attention immediately.

Otherwise, attempt to cause your dog to vomit to remove the beans from their system as fast as possible.

Regardless of whether you’re successful in this, consider seeking veterinary attention as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

With the diets discussed, there are still a few questions some may have!

Here are two questions that you may wonder to go along with whether your dog can eat beans.

Is rice good for dogs?

Like with beans, dogs can eat plain white rice if it’s been cooked. Do not add additional seasoning.

Many dog foods contain rice to help make meals more filling and to add starch!

Can dogs have potatoes?

Yes and no. Do not let your dog eat raw potatoes, as they contain solanine, which is a toxic compound for many dogs.

If baked or boiled, the solanine in the potato will be significantly lower. Add nothing to it.

Generally speaking, you should only do this in times when you have nothing else to feed them.

With so many things that you can safely feed a dog, why risk giving them something that could harm them?

Trotting on

So, can dogs eat beans?

If you’re giving them the right kinds of beans, they’re a healthy part of their diet but should never be more than 10% of their daily caloric intake.

Avoid anything that has extra preparation or seasoning.

Under no circumstances should your dog ever eat coffee beans.

To learn more about your best friend’s diet, feel free to browse our informative website!

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