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Can Dogs Eat Pickles? Yes, But Not All Types

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As dog owners, we sometimes want to toss our dogs some treats from our dinner plates.

Your dog makes you happy, so you want to do the same for them.

Unfortunately, it might not always be clear what we can feed our dogs without causing harm.

You can find pickles in plenty of households.

They make an excellent condiment for main dishes.

You might have wondered on more than one occasion: Can dogs eat pickles?

Knowing if pickles are safe for a dog is essential.

In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about how to safely offer pickles to your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Pickles?

Yes, dogs can eat pickles, as long as it’s in moderation.

Pickles will offer slight nutritional value to a dog.

However, ingredients such as sodium can cause harm to a dog in excess amounts.

Bottom line: pickles are okay for your dog in low amounts, but you shouldn’t make giving your dog pickles a regular occurrence.

You must also understand the specifics, such as safe amounts and what kinds of pickles are safe for dogs.

Even though pickles can offer some essential vitamins and minerals to a dog, it is more likely that pickles can harm your dog.

According to The American Kennel Club, pickles are not one of the best options to offer as a treat to your dog.

It is also essential to understand the various types of pickles and if they would be considered toxic to your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Bread and Butter Pickles?

Dogs should not eat bread and butter pickles.

Bread and butter pickles contain onion.

Foods and ingredients from the onion or garlic varieties should not be offered to dogs.

Bread and butter pickles also contain high levels of sodium which can be problematic for dogs.

Can Dogs Drink Pickle Juice

Dogs should not drink pickle juice, since it contains the high levels of sodium which are used to preserve pickles for long periods.

Too much sodium is bad for dogs.

Additionally, most dogs will not like the robust taste of pickle juice.

Can Dogs Eat Fried Pickles?

Fried pickles are not considered toxic for a dog, but again you should not typically give them out as a treat due to high sodium levels.

High sodium intake for a dog can lead to diarrhea, stomach pain, and excess water consumption.

Can Pickles Kill Dogs?

Pickles will not kill a dog unless they consume a very high amount.

Again, death wouldn’t result from the pickles themselves.

The dog would die from the high amount of sodium in the pickles.

The ASPCA explicitly tells us to avoid salty foods and snacks for our dogs due to the potential sodium complications.

So what happens when a dog has too much sodium? It can result in any of the following conditions:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Depression
  • Tremors
  • High Water Consumption

You probably don’t need to be too concerned if your dog eats one or two pickles.

But watch out if your pooch happens to get into a full pickle jar, as that might lead to them not only ingesting too many pickles but also pickle juice.

Again, you need to watch out for the sodium content in both those things.

What Types of Pickles Are Okay for Dogs?

So, can dogs eat pickles?

Yes, in moderation.

Let’s look at what specific pickles are fine for your dog to eat as a rare treat:

  • Dill Pickles
  • Regular Pickles
  • Kosher Dill Pickles
  • Plain Pickles

Which Pickle Spices Are Bad?

Cucumber is the only pickle spice that is okay for your dog to regularly consume.

Other pickle spices contain high levels of sodium, and as such shouldn’t be allowed near your dog.

So what spices are bad for dogs?

Check out the list below and make sure to keep them away from your beloved pooch:

  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Hot Pepper
  • Cloves
  • Cinnamon
  • Nutmeg

Do Pickles Have Potential Health Benefits For Dogs?

Yes, pickles offer a few vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for dogs.

However, these vitamins and minerals can be supplemented and implemented into your dog’s diet without the need to offer pickles or risk the high sodium intake.

Most balanced dog foods and treats can offer these same vitamins and minerals, like Vitamins A and K.

Why Are Pickles Bad for Dogs?

Pickles are bad for dogs primarily due to the sodium levels they contain.

People use high levels of sodium to turn cucumbers into pickles and preserve them in jars.

Additionally, pickles may contain high levels of spices and sugar, which is unhealthy for dogs.

Other ingredients like nutmeg may even cause hallucinations in your dog.

Additionally, pickles contain sugars that can cause health problems for your dog in excess.

Like with people, too much sugar and too much salt just aren’t good for your dog.

Should You Let Your Dog Eat Pickles?

No, it would be best if you did not let your dog eat pickles.

If your dog happens to eat a pickle without you knowing or before you can prevent it, you do not need to panic.

One pickle will not be toxic to a dog.

However, you should not make pickles part of your dog’s diet or try to provide pickles regularly.

What Should You Do If Your Dog Ate Pickles?

If your dog has already consumed pickles and you are not sure which kind or how much, you have a few things you should do.

Let’s take a look at what steps you can take below:

Check the type of pickle

Begin by figuring out what kind of pickle your dog has consumed.

Most pickles in small quantities will not be a cause for alarm.

However, a hot or spicy pickle or pickles consumed in high quantities may be problematic.

Once you have determined what type of pickle your dog ate, consider taking the next step if warranted.

Call the vet

Once you have confirmed the type and amount of pickles your dog consumed, the next step is to call your vet.

Explain to your vet the kind of pickle consumed and how much, so you can clearly understand what care you need to provide your dog.

You will likely not need to do anything except ensure diarrhea and loose stool do not occur in the home.

Diarrhea is by far the most common result of a dog eating too many pickles.

It is always better to be safe than sorry in these situations, so if you are unsure, call your vet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some more common questions people have about whether dogs can eat pickles.

Can dogs have cucumbers?

Yes, dogs can eat cucumbers. Cucumbers are considered safe for dogs. Most dogs will also enjoy cucumbers due to their texture and chewiness.

Can dogs eat pickled onions?

No, dogs should not eat pickled onions. Ingredients and foods from the onion and garlic family are not safe for dogs. These foods can lead to serious health problems in your dog, such as anemia.

Final Thoughts

So, can dogs eat pickles?

Yes, but only rarely.

Even though pickles are a household condiment that is usually accessible and tempting, try not to give them to your dog when other, healthier treats are available.

Sodium, sugar, and other potential ingredients can be problematic and avoided.

One pickle your dog was able to steal from the counter will not cause any harm, but pickles should not be offered as a regular treat.

If you are still in doubt about whether a pickle is safe for your dog or not, you should contact your vet.

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