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Why My Dog ​​has an Inflamed and Red Penis {Complete Guide}

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Have you seen your Dog ​​has an Inflamed and Red Penis?? Don’t know why it is like that?? Want to know the complete reasons and causes behind that?? Then you can get all the information about the dog’s penis in this guide.

In this article, we will explain why a dog has an inflamed and red penis. A cause of concern for the caretakers and a very uncomfortable situation for the dog. Which will feel pain and will manifest it licking the area insistently.

Dog ​​Has An Inflamed And Red Penis
Why My Dog Has An Inflamed And Red Penis

Also, we will talk about how we should act if we discover this problem in our dog and we will see the importance of early veterinary attention to avoid more serious injuries. so better to read the article completely before taking any actions. Keep reading!

Genital Anatomy of the Male Dog

Before explaining why a dog has inflamed or irritated penis, we should have some basic notions of its anatomy. Dogs genital system is composed. Basically, of a penis, testicles and prostate and all these elements are susceptible to suffer pathologies. In this case, we will focus on those that can affect the penis. This is covered with a skin called foreskin and at its base has a bulge known as glans bulb.

Which we can see on some occasions. In the penis, we can find preputial infections, phimosis, paraphimosis or frenulum, as well as neoplasms. In the next sections, we will see what condition can cause the penis to swell and become red.

dog penis infection

As additional data, a dog reaches sexual maturity and begins to produce sperm between 6 and 12 months depending on the breed. If yours is between these ages and in addition, you have noticed behaviors that you consider strange such as trying to mount other males. Then check this article: ” Why your dog mounts other males “.

Paraphimosis: The Cause of Inflammation and Redness of the Dog’s Penis

This condition is also known as “penis trapped outside the foreskin” because that is exactly what happens. Thus, we can see that our dog has inflamed, red and irritated penis. What happens is that the penis extends outside the foreskin and can not go back inside. In addition, in these cases, the foreskin itself will compress the penis, which engulfs it causing us to observe it reddened.

We should not confuse paraphimosis with the spontaneous exit of the penis from the foreskin that can occur. For example, when the dog mounts an object. In these cases, the penis will only return to the foreskin in a matter of minutes. Otherwise, we must act as detailed in the following sections.

Causes of Paraphimosis in Dogs

If our dog has an inflamed and red penis due to paraphimosis, we should know that the cause is the presence of long hairs on the skin surrounding the foreskin. These hairs will interfere with their mobility and thus, once the penis appears, it can not slide, braked by these hairs.

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What to Do When the Dog’s Penis is Left Out?

Now that we know why a dog has inflamed, irritated and red penis. Now we will explain how we can act if we are faced with this situation. As we have explained in previous sections, the penis in the paraphimosis is constricted. Hence the importance of a rapid intervention to avoid permanent damage.

Dogs with vet

As an emergency measure, we can lubricate the penis using Vaseline or olive oil and with extreme care, push back the foreskin. So that it unwinds, releasing the hairs that may have been trapped. If after this movement the penis still cannot return completely to the inside of the foreskin we should urgently go to the veterinarian. In some cases, paraphimosis will require surgical intervention.

Prevention of Paraphimosis

To prevent our dog from having a red and swollen penis as a result of paraphimosis. We can prevent it by cutting out the longer hairs that are around the foreskin. We must also pay attention at those times when the penis can appear, for example, as we said. When the dog rides an object or is very excited. We must ensure that the penis is able to re-enter the foreskin and if the minute’s pass and this withdrawal do not occur. We must intervene urgently to avoid aggravating the picture. If left untreated, necrosis may occur.

Other Conditions of Dogs Penis

Sometimes, we will not see that our dog has an inflamed and red penis because it is inside the foreskin. But we will notice that the dog licks excessively or we will appreciate a purulent and malodorous discharge. These symptoms are indicative of an infection that can affect the foreskin and the glans and is called balanoposthitis.


It will require veterinary treatment. In addition, the penis can be affected by insect bites, contact dermatitis or trauma. Thus, if we notice that our dog licks excessively or we observe the area with wounds, bruises or pimples we should go to our veterinarian.

So these are the main reasons for Dog inflammation and Red Penis. Just do as per suggested in the article or directly go to the vet for the more careful process of doing it.


This article is most informative on Dogs Red Penis. Hence, we hope we have cleared all your doubts on Why your dog penis is red in color and causes for it along with the complete prevention is provided. Feel free to ask your questions on this topic. We will help you out and solve your question. Like and share the article with your friends and other Dog Owners.

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