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Dog Doing Yoga With Owner: Benefits and Videos

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“Dog doing yoga with owner” may sound a bit odd, but the truth is this practice can benefit both the dog and the owner.

“Doga” can help strengthen the bond between owner and pet and improve the dog’s physical health and well-being.

As a dog owner who does yoga, I think it’s great that there are now yoga classes designed specifically for dogs and their owners.

Here, I’ll share everything you need to know about “doga”: its benefits, what you’ll need to get started, the best yoga poses for your dog, and some videos of dogs and their owners doing yoga together.

So, get your mat and your dog, and let’s get started!

Can Dogs Do Yoga With Their Owners?

For many people, their dog is their best friend.

So it’s no surprise that more and more people want to include their furry friends in their yoga practice.

But can dogs do yoga?

The answer is yes…and no.

While some dogs are naturally flexible and calm enough to participate in a yoga class, others may find the whole experience overwhelming.

So if you’re thinking about taking your dog to yoga, it’s essential to consider your pet’s personality and fitness level first.

If your dog is high-energy and loves to play, it may not be a good candidate for yoga.

Dogs who are shy or easily startled may also find the environment of a yoga studio too much to handle.

On the other hand, if your dog is already relatively relaxed and enjoys being around people, they may enjoy the experience of yoga.

What Is Doga?

Doga, or dog yoga, is a type of yoga designed specifically for dogs and their owners.

The goal of doga is to help dogs and their humans bond and connect on a deeper level.

In doga class, owners will learn how to massage their dogs, stretch with them, and do simple yoga poses together.

Benefits of Dog Doing Yoga With Owner

Doing yoga with your dog has many benefits for you and your pet.

These include the following.

Improved Circulation

One of the most important benefits of yoga is improved circulation and flexibility.

When you do yoga with your dog, they will also enjoy these benefits.

In addition, the massage that you give your dog during class can help to improve their circulation even further.

Exercise for Injured and Obese Dogs

If your dog is injured or obese, yoga can be an excellent form of exercise for them.

That’s because it’s a gentle, low-impact activity on their joints.

In addition, yoga can help to improve their balance and coordination by strengthening their core muscles.

Stress Relief

Yoga is well-known for its ability to reduce stress and improve mental well-being.

When you do yoga with your dog, they will also benefit from the relaxation and stress relief that yoga provides.

Dogs feel pressure like humans, which can lead to various health problems.

Behavioral Therapy

Doga can also be used as a form of behavioral therapy for dogs.

That’s because the close interaction between owner and pet and the trust that comes with it can help to calm and relax dogs who have behavioral problems or are stressed.

Soothing for Anxious Dogs

If your dog is anxious or has separation anxiety, doing yoga with them can be a fantastic way to soothe and calm them.

The close physical contact and the relaxation that comes with yoga can help to ease their anxiety.

Impulse Control

Finally, doing yoga with your dog can help to improve their impulse control.

That’s because the focus and concentration required for yoga can help teach your dog to control its impulses.

How To Do Yoga With Your Dog

If you’re interested in doing yoga with your dog, there are a few things that you need to know.

Take a Dog Yoga Class

First, it’s essential to find a dog-friendly yoga studio or instructor.

Not all yoga studios allow dogs, so you’ll need to do some research to find one that does.

Once you’ve found a studio or instructor that allows dogs, you can sign up for a dog yoga class.

Practice Doga at Home

If you can’t find a dog yoga class in your area, don’t worry.

You can also practice doga at home with your dog.

However, there are a few things that you’ll need before you get started, including a yoga mat, a blanket, and some dog treats.

You may also want a toy or two on hand to keep your dog occupied while doing yoga.

Work Poses Into Play Time

If you want to do yoga with your dog but don’t have much time, you can also work yoga poses into your dog’s playtime.

For example, you can do a downward-facing dog pose with your dog during a game of fetch.

Or you can try a cat-cow pose with your dog while petting them.

Don’t Force It

It’s important to remember that not all dogs will be interested in doing yoga with you.

And that’s okay.

Some dogs may not like being in close physical contact with their owners, while others may not enjoy yoga’s slow and steady pace.

If your dog doesn’t seem interested in doing yoga with you, don’t force it.

Instead, try another activity that your dog enjoys.

Best Dog Yoga Poses

If you’re new to doga, you may wonder what yoga poses you can do with your dog.

Here are a few of the best dog yoga poses to get you started.


Chaturanga is a yoga pose involving lying on your stomach and propping yourself on your elbows and toes.

To do this pose with your dog, have them lie on their stomach next to you.

Then, gently place your hand on their back to help them stay in the pose.

Heart to Hound Mudra

Heart to hound mudra is a yoga pose that involves placing your hand on your heart and your dog’s paw on top of your hand.

This pose is a great way to connect with your dog and create a sense of calm.

First, sit in a comfortable position with your dog to do this pose.

Then, place your hand on your heart and invite your dog to put its paw on top of your hand.

Chair Pose

The chair pose is a yoga pose that involves sitting upright with your feet flat on the ground.

To do this pose with your dog, have them sit before you.

Then, place your hands on their shoulders and gently guide them into the pose.


Savasana is a yoga pose involving lying on your back with closed eyes.

This pose is a fantastic way to relax and connect with your dog.

Lie on your back with your dog next to you to do this pose.

Then, place your hand on their chest and breathe deeply.

Downward Dog

Downward dog is a yoga pose that involves placing your hands and feet on the ground and lifting your hips into the air.

This pose is great for stretching your back and legs.

To do this pose with your dog, have them sit in front of you.

Then, place your hands on their shoulders and gently guide them into the pose.

Dog Doing Yoga With Owner Videos

Here are a few videos of dog yoga in action.

Wrapping Up

Doing yoga with your dog can be a great way to connect with your furry friend and improve your yoga practice.

Just be sure to find a yoga studio or instructor that allows dogs to choose yoga poses that are appropriate for your dog’s abilities, and don’t force your dog to do anything they’re uncomfortable with.

With a little patience and practice, you and your dog will be doing yoga together in no time.

If you have any questions about dog yoga, please leave a comment.

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