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What Do Betta Fish Eat? Diet, Best Types Food and How To Feed

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Betta fish are some of the most recognizable and popular fish for home aquariums.

This delightful small fish can have many different colors, display unique personality traits, and are also relatively easy to care for.

One of the essential aspects of properly caring for your betta fish is feeding them a healthy and balanced diet.

In this article, we’ll look at what betta fish eat, the best food types, and how to feed your betta fish correctly.

As with any pet, it’s essential to understand their needs to stay healthy and happy.

So, what do betta fish eat?

What Do Betta Fish Eat?

Betta fish are carnivores by nature, and in the wild, their diet consists primarily of small insects, larvae, and zooplankton.

In captivity, however, you’ll need to provide them with a diet that meets their nutritional needs and is easy for them to digest.

What Kinds of Foods Do Betta Fish Eat Naturally?

While in the wild, betta fish will eat a variety of small insects, larvae, and zooplankton.

Specifically, betta fish are insectivores and eat insects and their larvae.

Some common prey for betta fish includes mosquito larvae, tiny shrimps, worms, and daphnia (water fleas).

The majority of a betta fish’s diet is protein.

Types of Betta Fish Food

When betta fish are kept in captivity, they can’t always get their natural diet.

So, what should you feed your betta fish?

A variety of commercial foods are designed explicitly for betta fish and meet their nutritional needs.

Fish Food (Fish Flakes and Pellets)

One of the most common and convenient types of food for betta fish is fish food flakes or pellets.

These foods are easy to find, come in various brands, and are relatively affordable.

Fish food flakes and pellets usually contain a mix of proteins, fats, carbs, vitamins, and minerals that help to keep your betta fish healthy.

Homemade Food  

You can also make your betta fish food home with boiled vegetables or pellets designed for other predatory fish.

When making homemade food, it’s essential to avoid adding any spices or seasonings as these can be harmful to betta fish.

You’ll also want to ensure that the food is small enough for your betta fish to eat and digest quickly.

Frozen Food

Betta fish can also eat frozen food, such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia.

These foods are an excellent source of protein and essential nutrients for betta fish.

Frozen food is also easy to store and can last for several months in your freezer.

Live Food

Another option for betta fish food is live food.

Live food can include small insects, such as crickets or worms.

Live food is an excellent source of protein and essential nutrients for betta fish.

However, it’s necessary to take care when feeding live food to betta fish as some insects can carry diseases that can be harmful.

Can a Betta Fish Eat Human Food?

You may be wondering if you can give your betta fish some of your leftover human food.

The answer is yes and no.

While betta fish can technically eat some human foods, feeding them table scraps is not advisable as their digestive systems are different from ours.

What Kinds of Human Food Can a Betta Fish Eat?

You can treat your betta fish to some human food as long as other food sources meet their primary dietary needs.

Additionally, you should select food carefully.

Some human foods you can feed your betta fish include

Boiled Peas: Boiled peas are a fun human food to feed your betta fish.

Your fish can play with the peas as it eats them.

Cucumber Pieces: You can feed your betta fish cucumber as long as it is small.

Since cucumber is mostly water, it won’t harm your betta fish.

What Is the Best Type of Food for Betta Fish?

The best type of food for betta fish is a high-quality commercial fish food that is designed specifically for them.

These foods contain all the nutrients and vitamins your betta fish needs to stay healthy.

You can supplement their diet with live or frozen food for extra protein.

How to Feed a Betta Fish  

Now that you know the answer to “what do betta fish eat?”, it’s time to learn how to feed them properly.

Overfeeding is one of the most common mistakes made when feeding betta fish.

Betta fish have small stomachs, so they can only eat a bit of food at once.

A good rule of thumb is to feed your betta fish only what they can eat in two minutes.

If food is left after two minutes, you are providing your betta fish too much.

Additionally, it would be best if you only feed your betta fish once or to health problems, such as obesity, swim bladder disease, and constipation.

Finally, you’ll want to avoid feeding your betta fish before or after a water change.

Water changes can stress out your fish, and they may not have an appetite.

How Often Do You Feed a Betta Fish?  

How often you feed your betta fish will depend on their age, activity level, and appetite.

Generally, it would be best to feed adult betta fish once or twice a day.

Juvenile and baby betta fish should be fed three to four times daily.

How Long Can Betta Fish Go Without Eating?

Betta fish can survive for up to ten days without eating.

However, this is not advisable as it can lead to health problems like liver damage and lethargy.

If you are going on vacation or will be away from home for an extended period, you can ask a friend or family member to feed your betta fish while you’re gone.

Can You Overfeed a Betta Fish?

Yes, you can overfeed a betta fish.

Overfeeding is one of the most common mistakes made when feeding betta fish.

Betta fish have small stomachs, so they can only eat a bit of food at once.

Help, My Betta Fish Isn’t Eating

If your betta fish stops eating, don’t panic.

There are several reasons why betta fish may not have an appetite.

Reasons Why a Betta Fish Isn’t Eating

Some of the common reasons why betta fish stop eating include

  • Stress: Stress is a common reason why betta fish stop eating. Betta fish can get stressed from various things, such as a new tankmate, a change in water conditions, or being moved to a new home.
  • Disease: If your betta fish is sick, they may not have an appetite. If you think your betta fish is sick, take them to a vet as soon as possible.
  • Old Age: As betta fish age, they slow down and become less active. As a result, they may not have the same appetite as when they were younger.

What to Do If a Betta Fish Isn’t Eating

If your betta fish isn’t eating, the best thing you can do is to observe them and see if there are any changes in their behavior.

If you think your betta fish is sick, take them to a vet as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

These are some frequently asked questions about Betta Fish.

Can betta fish eat ants?

No, betta fish cannot eat ants. Ants are not a natural part of their diet and can harm them.

Can betta fish eat goldfish food?

No, betta fish cannot eat goldfish food. Goldfish food is not a natural part of their diet and does not meet the nutritional needs of betta fish.

Wrapping Up

Now that you have the answer to “what do betta fish eat?” and know how to feed them, you can keep your fish healthy and happy.

Remember to only provide them with what they can eat in two minutes and to supplement their diet with live or frozen food for extra protein.

If you have questions about feeding your betta fish, please feel free to comment below.

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